Breakfast Treats

So I’ve disappeared for a while. Work kinda ate me up the past few days hah! But I love it. Don’t you just love it when you work for a company that appreciates you? I digress.

So yeah I started this new regimen- a detox tea you take for 28 days. I must admit, Ive tried EVERYTHING when it comes to weightloss. Teas, pills, diet coffee. The most successful I guess were the pills but they were kinda scary with the side effects and all. It is hard keeping the weight off as well when you dont lose the right way, mainly because you dont develop good eating and exercise habits. 

So I got a chance to try this tea and I went for it since I’ve been trying to eat clean and exercise anyway- no harm in adding a little boost. So this is all natural and organic. no weird side effects really… Maybe I pee a bit more? It does have diuretic effects after all. It’s no magic either so i doubt you will see visible changes if you dont change your lifestyle.

I am bad at reviews so here’s what i like;

1. The fat burn blend is yummy!

2. The morning blend actually soothed my hyperacidity when i was expecting it to make it worse- my tummy is sensitive to tea

3. No laxatives! Have you tried teas with senna leaves or something like that? Horrible. And i get bouts of constipation after. Not fun.

Results? Lesser bloat, that’s it. But I’m just on day 4 so I’ll update you soon!